Joint Destroyer Tender Reunion
Our Kansas City reunion is now history. After business meetings with the three ships on Friday morning, the hospitality room was opened at noon, with sub sandwiches and chips for everyone. Following an afternoon of socializing we had the official Presidents Welcome at 1700, with Brats and potato salad.
Saturday was the first of the three days of tours. The buses transported ourattendees to the World War l Memorial for a tour and lunch, then off to the Steamboat Arabia Museum, followed by a BBQ dinner at F325. On Sunday each group had their membership meeting, then we were off to Stroud’s for lunch. After lunch part of the group went to the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and the rest of the group went to Lindsay Machine Shop.
Upon our return to the hotel, pizza and fellowship were offered in the hospitality room. Then in a joint membership meeting, Branson, Missouri was selected as the site for our 2025 reunion. After the membership meeting, we had the annual auction.
Monday was our final day with a trip to Fort Leavenworth, with lunch at the Frontier Conference Center and our Memorial Service at the Memorial Chapel. We then departed Fort Leavenworth and the group toured the C.W. Parker Carousel in Leavenworth. The reunion was concluded with a catered meal at Schwinn’s Barn.
Officers were re-elected for all three groups. Congratulations to Travis
Matthews, the new President of the USS Prairie and Patti Clayton, the new President of the USS Puget Sound and Fr. Dave Holloway, the new Chaplain for the USS Sierra. A huge thank you to Virgil Thorstenson (USS Prairie), John Seymour (USS Puget Sound), and Rodney Wallace (USS Sierra).
Thank you to everyone that attended the reunion, we hope you enjoyed your time in Kansas City and look forward to seeing you in Mobile, Alabama for our 2024 reunion.
Reunion photos